Symbolic WI tree takes root at Bellway’s Hampton Trove

Publication Date: 13-03-2023 09:00

Symbolic WI tree takes root at Bellway’s Hampton Trove

An oak tree has been planted at Bellway’s Hampton Trove development in Hampton Magna to recognise the work of the WI in the local community.

The tree was presented to Budbrooke WI as an oak whip in 2018 to mark the centenary of the Warwickshire Federation of Women’s Institutes and has since been nurtured by the group until a suitable location was found for it to be planted.

Bellway agreed to give the tree a home within the new public open space being created at Hampton Trove and invited group members to attend a ceremony at the development off Daly Avenue on Wednesday 1 March where the tree was planted. 

Budbrooke WI President Jane Murray-Hinde said: “We’re grateful to Bellway for planting the tree at Hampton Trove and we hope the tree grows to become a recognisable landmark in the new neighbourhood.

“We hope that the tree grows as the village of Hampton Magna grows and our existing community welcomes its new members.”

The WI group, which meets at St Michael’s Church Centre in Budbrooke, has members from across the parish of Budbrooke, which includes Hampton Magna and Hampton-on-the-Hill.

Jane said: “The Warwickshire Federation of Women’s Institutes, which was formed in 1918, is part of the National Federation of Women’s Institutes and the first WI in Hampton-on-the-Hill was established in February 1955.

“In November 2002, most of the membership were living in the new village of Hampton Magna. We decided to call ourselves Budbrooke WI to reflect the name of our parish and attract new members in the wider Budbrooke area.

“We are a non-political organisation and try to do our bit in supporting our community. Locally, we run walking groups, a book club and hold meetings on local history, health, culture and environment.”

The tree-planting is Bellway’s latest project in conjunction with the local community in Hampton Magna.

A poppy-laying ceremony in November last year was attended by Budbrooke Parish Councillor Rhonda Treacy-Hales, with poppies placed on two war memorial benches which had previously been installed at the site to mark the 100th anniversary of the Royal British Legion.

Angela Nurse, Head of Sales for Bellway South Midlands, said: “The oak tree which was gifted to Budbrooke WI is symbolic of all the work carried out by the Warwickshire Federation of Women’s Institutes in the local area since 1918.

“We are honoured that the WI has chosen Hampton Trove as the location for the tree to be planted. We look forward to seeing the tree grow alongside our growing neighbourhood where work on building new homes in the area is progressing well. Thank you, as well, to Chairman of the Parish Council, Mike Dutton, for arranging the planting.”

For more information about Hampton Trove, visit, or call the sales team on 01926 953787