Health and safety policy

It is the policy of this Group, collectively agreed by the Main Board of Directors, to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and danger to the health of all within its employ and others who may be affected by our activities. Employees at all levels together with sub-contractors are to actively support the Group in its efforts to ensure the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act and all other relevant legislation is complied with.

In addition, it is the policy of the Group to promote good health amongst employees and sub-contractors and be connected with the prevention of occupational and non-occupational disorders and diseases. Work related stress is including within the meaning of good health.

In support of the above objectives, the Group will provide such of the following as may be required to deliver this policy in practice:

  • Resources
  • Information
  • Training and supervision
  • Suitable plant and equipment
  • Safe systems of work

This policy will be reviewed and updated to meet with changes within the organisation and/or legislation by the Group Health and Safety Manager. The Main Board of Directors will approve the updates annually.